Richard Sherman on NFLs confusing new targeting rule Its going to be a disaster

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In theory, the NFL's was intended to make the game safer. Everyone agrees that's a good thing. In implementation, however, . Earlier this week, players were to get some clarity on what amounts to a version of college football's targeting rule, one that also includes ejections. "We were trying to ask Trenton Irwin Jersey questions to get a better understanding, and yet they couldn't really give us an answer," Eagles linebacker said. "They couldn't give us what we were looking for." That's not good. More on the NFL cornerback when asked about the rule that was instituted this offseason. "It's ridiculous," Sherman told's Jarrett Bell. "They'll see how Chris Evans Jersey ridiculous it is, once they make the refs call it. It's going to be worse than holding, worse than the catch rule. On a good form tackle, guys will lead with their shoulder pads, but you bring your head. It's going to be a disaster." And safety D.J. Swearinger thinks the rule will have that could also lead to injuries. "They want us to, I gue s, hit with our shoulder," he said, via "I Tee Higgins Jersey gue s not hit a guy when he ducks. So I gue s we just gotta aim for the knees. That's the only way I know how. If you don't want me to hit you, then I gue s it's the only way, the only way." If this sounds familiar, it should; four years ago, Swearinger, then with the , was involved in a controversial-but-legal low tackle during a preseason game against the . Tight end Dustin Keller suffered a serious knee Trae Waynes Jersey injury on a hit that ended his career. "With the rules in this era you've got to hit low," . "If I would have hit him high, I would have gotten a fine. So I think I made the smartest play. I'm sorry it happened and I pray he has a speedy recovery. ... Right now it's just instinct. You see somebody come acro s the middle, you Boomer Esiason Jersey gotta go low. You're going to cost your team 15 yards. You've got to play within the rules." At the time, the NFL was trying to reduce head injuries by making above-the-shoulder hits a personal-foul penalty. The new targeting rule adds another layer of punishment, in the form of an ejection -- and, it looks like, confusion. Which brings us back to the Eagles' recent meeting with referees Drew Sample Jersey . According to's Tim McManus, players showed a clip of safety ' hit on wide receiver during Super Bowl LII that knocked Cooks out of the game. At the time, it was a legal play. When asked if that constituted a violation under the new rules, the . " The refs were kind of like, 'Hey, we didn't make the rules.' Because I think Jalen Davis Jersey guys were kind of frustrated," Eagles running back said. "Most of the defense was like, 'Man, how are we supposed to tackle?' They were frustrated." Unle s there's further clarification in the coming weeks, things will get worse before they get better. Silver lining: Hey, at least we're not talking about the anthem i sues.
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